"An Act relative to persons with developmental disabilities"
Your assistance is crucial! We need support for those with FASD in Massachusetts!
We're reaching out to gather support for S103/H207, titled "An Act relative to persons with developmental disabilities". This legislation is scheduled for testimony during a hearing on October 16th, from 1 PM to 5 PM.
We have provided sample letters for families to use as a foundation. We encourage you to personalize them with your own experiences and insights to make a stronger impact.
Your support can make all the difference. Thank you in advance.
Written testimony: Can be sent to JointCommittee.Children&Families@malegislature.gov
Sample Letter
Subject: Advocating for a More Inclusive Definition of Developmental Disability in S103/H207
I am writing to you as a concerned caregiver of a child with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in relation to S103/H207, "An Act relative to persons with developmental disabilities".
While I appreciate the efforts our state has made to support individuals with developmental disabilities, there remains a significant gap in the services and recognition for those with FASD's among others, who do not meet the current IQ requirement of 70 or below.
FASD is a complex disorder that can manifest in a variety of ways. While some individuals with FASD might have an IQ above 70, they still face significant challenges related to executive functioning, which can impact their ability to lead a productive life without supportive services. This can include difficulty with tasks like time and money management, planning, organizing, initiating, and regulating emotions. These challenges often necessitate unique supports and services that can help these individuals thrive in society.
By keeping the IQ threshold as the primary criterion for developmental disability, we inadvertently exclude a population of individuals who might be intellectually capable but are functionally impaired due to the challenges associated with an FASD. I urge you to consider amending the definition of developmental disability as suggested in S103/H207 to mirror the federal definition. By removing the IQ requirement, we can ensure that all individuals with an FASD, irrespective of their IQ scores, can access the services they need.
Imagine a young adult with an FASD who can articulate well and has many strengths, but when it comes to basic life skills like managing money, memory, keeping a job, or even maintaining relationships, they falter. They need support in these areas to ensure their well-being and then are able to be contributing members of society. The current definition, centered around IQ, fails to capture the number of challenges faced by such individuals.
In closing, I urge you to consider the lives of countless individuals with an FASD who, despite having an IQ above 70, require assistance and services tailored to their unique needs. By embracing a more inclusive definition of developmental disability in S103/H207, we can truly create an environment where everyone, regardless of their challenges, has an equal opportunity to succeed.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I am hopeful that our state will take the necessary steps through S103/H207 to ensure that individuals with FASD receive the support they deserve.
Warm regards,
Testifying orally
Our proposed legislation is coming up for testimony at a hearing on 10/16 from 1-5 PM. Attached please find the notice about this hearing. You can send in written testimony, or provide testimony virtually or in person on Monday. See attached information. If anyone would like to be part of a panel, there is an option for that as well. Please reach out to have your voice heard, and let me know if you plan to attend virtually, inperson, or provide written testimony so that we can be a collective force on this. Please contact us so that I can be sure to include you in my overall testimony, and we can meet or talk this week if anyone would like to do so. I will be testifying virtually, maybe with Laura and Enid (although I have not asked her yet).
The hearing for 10/16 has been posted.
When: 10/16, 1-5 in B2 and virtual
Testifying orally details: To testify orally, please do so by Friday, Oct. 13th at 3pm by using this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=a36UCyb_E0uuHFc8Z1DIiIN37bxj9q5Oicfsj8BRTJZUQU5EUFpQV05ITE1IODFJRVRBTEE3WTkyMC4u. If testifying as a part of panel, panels are capped at 3 persons each, a