Learning Materials
Books, Podcast, Articles and Legal Information
FASD Trying Differently Rather Than Harder - Diane Malbin, MSW
Understanding Mental Health Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Ellen Rodger and Rosie Gowsell
Guided Growth - Ira Chasnoff, MD Ronald Powell, PhD
Our FAScinating Journey - Jodee Kulp
The Best I Can Be - Jodee Kulp and Liz Kulp
Making Sense of the Madness, An FASD Survival Guide - Jeff Noble
FASD Soundbites and Sanity Savers - Jeff Noble
My FASD Feelings - Jennifer Robinson and Laura Bedard
Therapeutic Parenting, Attachment, Trauma Based, Adoption
The Connected Child - Karen Purvis PhD, David Cross PhD, Wendy Lyons Sunshine
From Fear to Love - B. Bryan Post
Beyond Consequences, Logic and Control - Heather Forbes
Help for Billy - Heather Forbes
The A to Z of Therapeutic Parenting - Sarah Naish
Therapeutic Parenting in a Nutshell - Sarah Naish
The Adoptive Parent Toolbox - Mike and Kristin Berry
Confessions of an Adoptive Parent - Mike Berry
Born Broken - Kristen Berry
The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel Van der Kalk
Personal Journeys
Drowning with my Hair on Fire - CE Eshelman, LMFT
Dancing with the Porcupine Parenting Wounded Children without Loosing Yourself - Jennie Lynn Owens
Damaged Angels - Bonnie Buxton
Children’s Books
Little Heroes, “Suzie’s Story” - Ira Chasnoff, MD
Little Heroes “Sensory Integration and Behavior Problems in the young child” - Ira Chasnoff, MD
It’s a Brain Thing! Oregon Behavior Consultation with Nate Sheets and Jill Snell
Listen to our chat with Robbie Seale from FASD Family Life
FASD and Criminal Justice
[David Boulding]. (2014, July 2). Fetal Alcohol and the Law – Part 1 [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6ZWkSzTAqk
[David Boulding]. (2014, July 1). Fetal Alcohol and the Law – Part 2 [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z5qVE2lDHE&feature=youtu.be
[AlcoholFreePregnancy]. (2012, February 24). Morgan Fawcett on living with FASD [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0VrkLQfkFg&list=PLiFZcDuldDA7k1pnjI1SHzq5p6_Ka-PwJ&index=2&t=8s
Boulding, D. (2001, September 17). Papers for Parents and Ordinary People. Davidboulding.com. http://www.davidboulding.com/parents-and-ordinary-people.html