Learning Materials
Books, Podcast, Articles and Legal Information
FASD Trying Differently Rather Than Harder Diane Malbin, MSW
Understanding Mental Health Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Ellen Rodger and Rosie Gowsell
Guided Growth Ira Chasnoff, MD Ronald Powell, PhD
Our FAScinating Journey Jodee Kulp
The Best I Can Be Jodee Kulp and Liz Kulp
Making Sense of the Madness, An FASD Survival Guide Jeff Noble
FASD Soundbites and Sanity Savers Jeff Noble
My FASD Feelings Jennifer Robinson and Laura Bedard
Therapeutic Parenting, Attachment, Trauma Based, Adoption
The Connected Child Karen Purvis PhD, David Cross PhD, Wendy Lyons Sunshine
From Fear to Love B. Bryan Post
Beyond Consequences, Logic and Control Heather Forbes
Help for Billy Heather Forbes
The A to Z of Therapeutic Parenting Sarah Naish
Therapeutic Parenting in a Nutshell Sarah Naish
The Adoptive Parent Toolbox Mike and Kristin Berry
Confessions of an Adoptive Parent Mike Berry
Born Broken Kristen Berry
The Body Keeps the Score Bessel Van der Kalk
Personal Journeys
Drowning with my Hair on Fire CE Eshelman, LMFT
Dancing with the Porcupine Parenting Wounded Children without Loosing Yourself Jennie Lynn Owens
Damaged Angels Bonnie Buxton
Children’s Books
Little Heroes, “Suzie’s Story” Ira Chasnoff, MD
Little Heroes “Sensory Integration and Behavior Problems in the young child” Ira Chasnoff
The FASD Success Show with Jeff Noble
It’s a Brain Thing! Oregon Behavior Consultation with Nate Sheets and Jill Snell
FASD Family Life with Robbie Seale
Listen to our chat with Robbie Seale from FASD Family Life
FASD and Criminal Justice
[David Boulding]. (2014, July 2). Fetal Alcohol and the Law – Part 1 [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6ZWkSzTAqk
[David Boulding]. (2014, July 1). Fetal Alcohol and the Law – Part 2 [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z5qVE2lDHE&feature=youtu.be
[AlcoholFreePregnancy]. (2012, February 24). Morgan Fawcett on living with FASD [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0VrkLQfkFg&list=PLiFZcDuldDA7k1pnjI1SHzq5p6_Ka-PwJ&index=2&t=8s
Boulding, D. (2001, September 17). Papers for Parents and Ordinary People. Davidboulding.com. http://www.davidboulding.com/parents-and-ordinary-people.html