Our Goals
Our primary goal in FY20 is to work with the Massachusetts Legislators to adopt the federal definition of developmental disabilities for adults. This important legislation will include individuals with an FASD (and other developmental disabilities, such as Cerebral Palsy, which are not currently covered if the individual has an IQ over 70) in eligibility for developmental disabilities services in Massachusetts, on par with the national definition. Service provision would ensue for individuals with the greatest need, i.e., those with significant Executive Functioning deficits.
Our Strategic Plan:
Increased Opportunity
Create equal access to appropriate services from state agencies
Promote a comprehensive and accessible continuum of care
Expand intensive services in the home and community
Increase resources that help maintain the family unit and help those with FASD live within the community
Increase employment opportunities
Increase educational supports for individuals
Increase housing options for individuals
Improve healthcare services for individuals with FASD and develop FASD Diagnostic Center
Modify eligibility for vocational and supported living services
Increased Resources
Adopting the federal definition of Developmental Disabilities (DD) will expand eligibility criteria to include all developmental disabilities for individuals who have IQs over 70 and who have substantial functional limitations
Implement a plan for consistent statewide data collection to determine the number of people with FASD in MA
Expand insurance coverage for FASD diagnostic assessments, interventions, and evidence-based treatment approaches
Explore various FASD screening opportunities
Raise Awareness
Implement and monitor Strategic Plan
Increase public awareness of risk of alcohol use during pregnancy